Effortless Task Design with FocusBox
Task design can be a cumbersome process, but FocusBox makes it so simple.

With FocusBox, you can enjoy a simpler and more productive task design process, and reach your goals faster. Sign up now to start designing your tasks effortlessly.

Plan your Day

Accomplish Goals Faster

Better Understand Tasks

Get more Focus with no interruptions.

Name & Duration

Plan your day by adding new tasks with name and duration.

Timer Customization

Easily customize the duration of each task, increasing or decreasing the current time.

Task Priority

Reorder the tasks by priority by clicking the "Top" button.

Sleek and Modern Look

Focus and Get Productive

Predefined Templates

Save the current tasks in a new template to load the tasks again easier.

Task Deletion

Remove tasks by clicking the x button in the top right corner of each task.

Enhance concentration towards daily tasks.

FocusBox is a powerful productivity tool that helps you take control of your time using Tasks, Pomodoro Timers, Ambient Sounds and Insights to help you work smarter, not harder.

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