Why Timeboxing Works: A Brain’s Perspective

ADHD Task Management Time Tracking.

Why Timeboxing Works: A Brain’s Perspective

2 minutes read Imagine your daily tasks as a juggling act, with each ball representing a different commitment or goal. This analogy reflects the challenge many of us face in trying to maintain productivity and focus amid a flurry of distractions. However, there’s a strategy that can help simplify this complexity: timeboxing. This method, straightforward in its approach,… Read more »

Enhance Your Focus with Ease: Changing Ambient Sounds with Ease

Ambient Sounds Productivity Time Tracking.

Enhance Your Focus with Ease: Changing Ambient Sounds with Ease

2 minutes read In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining focus can be a challenge. Distractions abound, making it difficult to concentrate on tasks and be productive. Thankfully, FocusBox.io provides a solution that can help you improve your focus and increase productivity. One of its standout features is the ability to easily change ambient sounds, creating an optimal environment for… Read more »

2-minute “Do Nothing Timer”

Relaxation Time Tracking.

2-minute “Do Nothing Timer”

2 minutes read Are you able to sit still for 2 minutes straight? It is just as important to take a break and do nothing as it is to be productive. Our minds require rest in order to avoid burnout, improve mental clarity, and increase creativity. A 2-minute do nothing timer can assist you in intentionally pausing from… Read more »

Eat the Frog Productivity Technique

Productivity Remote Work Time Tracking.

Eat the Frog Productivity Technique

4 minutes read What is Eat the Frog productivity technique? “Eat the Frog” productivity technique is a time management strategy that involves tackling the most difficult, challenging or unpleasant task first thing in the morning, allowing the rest of the day to be more productive and less stressful. The concept was popularized by Brian Tracy, a motivational speaker… Read more »